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Architecture Design and Construction Services Lahore

Sewage Treatment Plant For Housing Society Pakistan

ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant For Housing Society Pakistan

In a world where environmental concerns are increasingly becoming a priority, the implementation of efficient sewage treatment systems is crucial. In Pakistan, the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant has emerged as a pioneering solution for housing societies. This article explores the significance, benefits, and working mechanisms of the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant in the context of housing societies in Pakistan.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Need for Sewage Treatment
  3. The Role of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant
  4. How Does it Work?
  5. Benefits of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant
  6. Environmental Impact
  7. Cost-effectiveness
  8. Maintenance and Longevity
  9. Implementation in Housing Societies
  10. Case Studies
  11. Challenges Faced
  12. Future Prospects
  13. Conclusion
  14. Frequently Asked Questions


The rapid urbanization and population growth in Pakistan have led to increased demand for effective sewage treatment solutions. Housing societies, which are becoming more prevalent, require sustainable methods to manage their wastewater. ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant, with its innovative approach, addresses this growing concern.

The Need for Sewage Treatment

Before delving into the specifics of the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant, it’s essential to understand why sewage treatment is imperative. In densely populated areas like housing societies, untreated sewage can pose severe health and environmental risks. Contaminated water can lead to waterborne diseases and harm aquatic ecosystems.

The Role of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant

ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant serves as a comprehensive wastewater management system designed to treat sewage from housing societies. It acts as a shield, protecting both the environment and society residents from the adverse effects of untreated sewage.

How Does it Work?

The plant employs advanced biological and chemical processes to treat sewage efficiently. It involves several stages, including screening, primary treatment, secondary treatment, and disinfection. These processes ensure that the treated water is safe for discharge into the environment or reuse.

Benefits of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant

Environmental Impact

One of the primary benefits of the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant is its positive environmental impact. By treating sewage before discharge, it significantly reduces water pollution, preserving local ecosystems and water bodies.


Contrary to common belief, implementing a sewage treatment plant can be cost-effective in the long run. The reduced maintenance and environmental fines, coupled with the potential for water reuse, make it a financially prudent choice for housing societies.

Maintenance and Longevity

ACCO Sewage Treatment Plants are designed for durability and low maintenance. This ensures that housing societies can enjoy uninterrupted sewage treatment for years to come, reducing operational hassles.

Implementation in Housing Societies

The integration of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plants in housing societies has proven successful. They are scalable and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of different societies, whether small or large.

Case Studies

To illustrate the practicality and effectiveness of ACCO Sewage Treatment Plants, let’s explore a couple of case studies from housing societies in Pakistan that have adopted this innovative solution.

  1. GreenValley Residency: GreenValley Residency, a housing society in Lahore, witnessed a significant improvement in water quality and environmental conditions after installing the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant. Residents now enjoy cleaner surroundings and a reduced risk of waterborne diseases.

  2. Elite Garden: Elite Garden, located in Karachi, faced sewage disposal issues for years. However, after the implementation of the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant, they not only resolved their wastewater problems but also reduced their environmental footprint.

Challenges Faced

While the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant offers numerous advantages, there are challenges in its implementation. These challenges include initial setup costs, regulatory compliance, and the need for trained personnel to operate the plant effectively.

Future Prospects

As environmental regulations continue to tighten, and as more housing societies recognize the importance of sustainable sewage treatment, the future prospects for ACCO Sewage Treatment Plants in Pakistan are promising. They are likely to become the standard for sewage management in housing societies across the country.


In conclusion, the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant is a game-changer for housing societies in Pakistan. It not only addresses the critical issue of sewage management but also promotes environmental sustainability. With its cost-effectiveness and long-term benefits, it’s a solution that every housing society should consider.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant suitable for small housing societies?

    • Yes, the plant is scalable and can be customized to suit the needs of both small and large housing societies.
  2. What are the maintenance requirements for the ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant?

    • The plant is designed for low maintenance, requiring periodic checks and routine servicing.
  3. Can treated water be reused for non-potable purposes in housing societies?

    • Yes, treated water can be safely reused for purposes like irrigation and flushing, reducing the demand on freshwater sources.
  4. Are there any government incentives for housing societies to install sewage treatment plants?

    • Some government initiatives and incentives exist to promote sustainable sewage management practices. It’s advisable to check with local authorities for specific programs.
  5. How long does it take to install an ACCO Sewage Treatment Plant in a housing society?

    • The installation timeline can vary depending on the size and complexity of the project but typically ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

The Vital Role of Sewage Treatment Plants in Housing Societies

In the world of sustainable living, where every drop of water counts, sewage treatment plants have emerged as unsung heroes. These unassuming facilities play a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance within our housing societies. In this article, we will delve into the significance of sewage treatment plants for housing societies, explore the intricacies of their operation, and shed light on the various types of sewage treatment plants that can be implemented.

Understanding Sewage Treatment Plants

What is a sewage treatment plant?

A sewage treatment plant is a fundamental necessity for any housing society. It serves as the unsung guardian of our environment, ensuring that the wastewater generated from our households, kitchens, and toilets is not recklessly discharged into natural water bodies. Such an unmitigated release of wastewater would wreak havoc on the delicate aquatic ecosystem. Therefore, sewage treatment plants are indispensable for safeguarding the environment and mitigating water scarcity by allowing the reuse of treated water.

The Sewage Treatment Process

Introduction to Sewage Treatment Plant

Sewage treatment, also known as domestic wastewater treatment or municipal wastewater treatment, is a specialized process designed to eliminate contaminants from sewage. These treatment plants produce effluents that are safe for discharge into the environment or can be reused, effectively preventing water pollution from untreated sewage discharges.

Sewage itself is a complex concoction, comprising wastewater from households and businesses, as well as potentially pre-treated industrial wastewater. Depending on specific requirements, various sewage treatment processes can be employed. These range from decentralized systems, which feature on-site treatment, to large centralized systems that utilize extensive networks of pipes and pump stations to convey sewage to treatment facilities. In cases where cities have combined sewer systems, these sewers also transport urban runoff, or stormwater, to sewage treatment plants.

A noteworthy trend in wastewater management is the separation of household waste into two categories: greywater and blackwater. Greywater consists of wastewater generated from domestic activities like laundry, dishwashing, and bathing, making it more amenable to reuse. On the other hand, blackwater primarily emanates from toilets and contains human waste.

The Sequential Steps of Sewage Treatment

Sewage Treatment Plant Processes

To grasp the intricate workings of sewage treatment plants in housing societies, let’s take a closer look at the sequential steps involved:

Step 1: Screening and Pumping

The initial stage involves passing incoming wastewater through screening equipment to remove debris such as rags, wood fragments, plastics, and grease. This material is then washed, pressed, and disposed of in a landfill. The screened wastewater is subsequently pumped to the next treatment phase.

Step 2: Grit Removal

In this step, heavy but fine materials such as sand and gravel are separated from the wastewater and similarly disposed of in a landfill.

Step 3: Primary Settling

Primary settling utilizes large circular tanks called clarifiers. They allow for the separation of material that settles, albeit at a slower rate than in the previous step. The settled material, known as primary sludge, is pumped from the bottom, while the wastewater exits from the top. Floating debris like grease is skimmed off the top and sent along with the settled material to digesters. Chemicals may also be added in this phase to remove phosphorus.

Step 4: Aeration / Activated Sludge

This phase is where the bulk of wastewater treatment occurs. Through biological degradation, microorganisms consume pollutants, transforming them into cell tissue, water, and nitrogen. The biological activity mirrors natural processes occurring at the bottom of lakes and rivers, although this step accelerates the degradation significantly.

Step 5: Secondary Settling

Large circular tanks known as secondary clarifiers allow treated wastewater to separate from the biological components. This yields an effluent that is now over 90% treated. The biological activated sludge is continuously pumped from the bottom of the clarifiers and returned to the aeration tanks.

Step 6: Filtration

In this phase, clarified effluent undergoes further purification by passing through 10-micron polyester media. Material captured on the surface of disc filters is periodically backwashed and returned to the treatment process.

Step 7: Disinfection

To ensure that the treated wastewater is virtually free of bacteria, ultraviolet disinfection is employed after the filtration step. This process effectively eliminates any remaining bacteria, ensuring compliance with discharge permits.

Step 8: Oxygen Uptake

The treated water, now of high quality and stability, may undergo aeration if necessary to meet dissolved oxygen requirements. Subsequently, the treated water is discharged into rivers or other water bodies, subject to stringent regulatory requirements that mandate pollutant removal levels of 98% or greater.

Types of Sewage Treatment Plants

Exploring Sewage Treatment Plant Types

In residential societies, four major types of sewage treatment plants are commonly used. Let’s examine these modern sewage treatment plant designs:

Activated Sludge Plant (ASP)

The activated sludge process is a biological wastewater treatment method that utilizes aeration and a biological floc composed of bacteria and protozoa. Air or oxygen, along with microorganisms, are employed to biologically oxidize organic pollutants, resulting in a waste sludge or floc containing the oxidized material.

The process involves an aeration tank where air is injected into the mixed liquor. This is followed by a settling tank, often referred to as the “final clarifier” or “secondary settling tank,” where biological flocs (sludge blanket) settle, separating them from clear treated water. Some waste sludge is recycled to the aeration tank, while the remaining waste sludge undergoes further treatment and ultimate disposal.

Trickling Filter

A trickling filter is a wastewater treatment system comprising a fixed bed of various materials over which sewage or wastewater flows downward. This flow encourages the growth of a microbial slime (biofilm) that covers the bed of media. Aerobic conditions are maintained through various mechanisms, including splashing, diffusion, and forced-air flow. This technology is one of the oldest and most well-established sewage treatment methods.

Key components of a trickling filter system include the filter medium bed, an enclosure or container housing the medium, a system for distributing wastewater over the medium, and a mechanism for removing and disposing of sludge from the treated effluent.

Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)

The membrane bioreactor (MBR) combines membrane processes like microfiltration or ultrafiltration with the activated sludge process. It has gained popularity in both municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. There are two primary MBR configurations: submerged membrane bioreactor (SMBR) and side stream membrane bioreactor. In SMBR, the membrane is located inside the biological reactor and submerged in the wastewater. In the side stream configuration, the membrane is positioned outside the reactor as an additional step after biological treatment.

Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC)

A rotating biological contactor (RBC) is a fixed-film treatment process used in the secondary treatment of wastewater, following primary treatment. In the primary treatment process, grit, sand, and coarse suspended material are removed through screening and settling. RBC allows wastewater to interact with a biological film, facilitating the removal of pollutants before the treated wastewater is discharged into the environment.

RBC consists of a series of closely spaced, parallel discs mounted on a rotating shaft, positioned just above the wastewater’s surface. Microorganisms grow on these discs, where they biologically degrade wastewater pollutants. The rotating discs, in turn, help slough off the microorganisms into the sewage, where they are eventually removed.

Components of Sewage Treatment Plants

Exploring the Key Components

The specific components of sewage treatment plants can vary based on the type of sewage they handle. However, there are common elements associated with these plants, all of which work in tandem to remove harmful contaminants from wastewater and household sewage before its release into the environment. These major components include:

  • Bar screens: These screens remove large debris and objects from the incoming wastewater.
  • Grit chamber: This component separates heavier materials like sand and gravel from the wastewater.
  • Comminutors: These devices break down larger solid materials into smaller particles.
  • Pre-aeration tank: This tank facilitates the initial aeration of wastewater, preparing it for subsequent treatment.
  • Primary settling tank: Also known as clarifiers, these tanks allow for the settling of solid material.
  • Aeration tank: This is where the main biological treatment process occurs.
  • Secondary settling tank: Similar to primary clarifiers, these tanks further separate treated water from biological components.
  • Biological filters: These filters provide additional treatment by promoting microbial activity.
  • Sludge handler: Responsible for the management and disposal of sludge generated during treatment.

In conclusion, sewage treatment plants are indispensable for maintaining the ecological balance in housing societies. Their meticulous processes ensure that wastewater is treated effectively, preventing environmental harm and enabling water reuse. By understanding the significance of sewage treatment plants and the intricacies of their operation, we can pave the way for more sustainable living in our communities. For expert guidance on implementing sewage waste treatment plants in your society, consult with reliable consultants for solid waste treatment and disposal.