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Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services in Pakistan

Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services in Pakistan

Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services in Pakistan

Hospitals are one of the most critical infrastructure that every country needs. In Pakistan, the healthcare sector has undergone significant changes in recent years, and the demand for better medical facilities is increasing. One essential aspect of a hospital’s success is its design and planning. It is where Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services comes in. In this article, we will explore Acco’s services and how it contributes to the healthcare sector in Pakistan.


Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services is a Pakistan-based company that specializes in providing comprehensive design, planning, and management services for healthcare facilities. Acco has been operating in the healthcare sector for many years and has a proven track record of delivering exceptional design solutions to hospitals and healthcare institutions.

Acco’s Services

Acco offers a range of services related to hospital architecture design and planning. Some of the notable services include:

Planning and Feasibility Studies

Acco conducts feasibility studies to assess the viability of healthcare projects. It is done to ensure that the project is financially feasible, and the proposed site is suitable for the hospital’s construction. Acco’s team evaluates various factors such as demographics, accessibility, and market demand before presenting a detailed report to the client.

Hospital Design

Acco’s hospital design services are comprehensive and cover everything from conceptualization to implementation. The team works closely with the client to understand their needs and requirements before developing a design solution that meets their expectations. Acco’s design services include architecture, interior design, and landscaping.

Construction Management

Acco’s construction management services ensure that the hospital project is implemented according to plan. The team oversees the entire construction process, from site preparation to project completion. Acco’s construction management services include budgeting, scheduling, and quality control.

Equipment Planning

Acco’s equipment planning services are designed to ensure that the hospital is equipped with the latest and most advanced medical equipment. The team works with the hospital’s management to understand their medical equipment needs and requirements before creating a comprehensive plan for procurement and installation.

Operational Management

Acco’s operational management services are designed to ensure that the hospital operates efficiently and effectively. The team works with the hospital’s management to develop policies and procedures that improve patient care, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.

Acco’s Approach

Acco’s approach to hospital architecture design and planning is focused on creating sustainable, patient-centric facilities. The team believes that the design of a hospital should prioritize the needs of patients and their families. Acco’s approach to hospital design incorporates elements such as natural light, comfortable waiting areas, and easy navigation to create a calming and reassuring environment for patients and visitors.

Acco’s Portfolio

Acco has an impressive portfolio of completed healthcare projects in Pakistan. Some of the notable projects include:

Al-Razi Healthcare Hospital, Lahore

Acco designed and managed the construction of the Al-Razi Healthcare Hospital in Lahore. The hospital is a 100-bed facility that provides a range of medical services, including cardiology, neurology, and pediatrics.

Al-Madina Medical Center, Rawalpindi

Acco designed and managed the construction of the Al-Madina Medical Center in Rawalpindi. The hospital is a 50-bed facility that provides a range of medical services, including internal medicine, dermatology, and dentistry.


Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services is a company that has been providing exceptional design and planning solutions to the healthcare sector in Pakistan for many years. Its approach to hospital design is patient-centric and focused on creating sustainable, functional facilities that prioritize the needs of patients and their families. Acco’s comprehensive range of services includes everything from feasibility studies to equipment planning, and its portfolio

 of completed healthcare projects is a testament to the company’s expertise and commitment to delivering high-quality solutions to its clients.


  1. What is Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services?

Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services is a Pakistan-based company that specializes in providing comprehensive design, planning, and management services for healthcare facilities.

  1. What services does Acco offer?

Acco offers a range of services related to hospital architecture design and planning. These services include planning and feasibility studies, hospital design, construction management, equipment planning, and operational management.

  1. What is Acco’s approach to hospital design?

Acco’s approach to hospital design is patient-centric and focused on creating sustainable, functional facilities that prioritize the needs of patients and their families.

  1. What is the scope of Acco’s portfolio?

Acco has an impressive portfolio of completed healthcare projects in Pakistan, which includes designing and managing the construction of hospitals and medical centers of various sizes and specialties.

  1. How can I contact Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services?

You can contact Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services through their website or email them at info@acco.com.pk. They also have a phone number listed on their website, which you can use to schedule a consultation or learn more about their services.


Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services is a valuable asset to the healthcare sector in Pakistan. Its commitment to creating sustainable, patient-centric facilities has led to the successful completion of various hospital projects across the country. Acco’s comprehensive range of services ensures that every aspect of a hospital’s design, planning, and management is taken care of. If you are planning to build or renovate a hospital in Pakistan, Acco Hospital Architecture Design & Planning Services is a company worth considering.

Acco Hospital Construction Company Pakistan: A Leading Name in Healthcare Infrastructure


  • The Need for Quality Healthcare Infrastructure in Pakistan
  • The Role of Acco Hospital Construction Company

Acco Hospital Construction Company: An Overview

  • History and Background of the Company
  • Vision and Mission of the Company
  • Acco Hospital Construction Company’s Core Values

Acco Hospital Construction Company’s Services

  • Hospital Design and Planning
  • Hospital Construction and Renovation
  • Equipment Procurement and Installation
  • Project Management and Consultancy Services

Acco Hospital Construction Company’s Projects

  • Lahore Medical and Dental College and Teaching Hospital
  • Farooq Hospital Westwood Branch
  • Islamabad Diagnostic Centre
  • Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center

Acco Hospital Construction Company’s Achievements and Awards

  • The Best Medical Construction Company Award
  • The Best Hospital Design and Construction Company Award
  • The Best Medical and Hospital Equipment Provider Award

The Importance of Quality Healthcare Infrastructure

  • The Impact of Quality Healthcare Infrastructure on Society
  • The Need for Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Services

Acco Hospital Construction Company’s Contributions to Healthcare Infrastructure in Pakistan

  • Creating Affordable and Accessible Healthcare Services
  • Providing High-Quality Medical Equipment and Facilities
  • Supporting Healthcare Research and Innovation


  • The Impact of Acco Hospital Construction Company on Healthcare Infrastructure in Pakistan
  • The Future of Healthcare Infrastructure in Pakistan


  1. What is the experience of Acco Hospital Construction Company in healthcare infrastructure?
  2. What kind of services does Acco Hospital Construction Company offer?
  3. What are some of the notable projects of Acco Hospital Construction Company in Pakistan?
  4. How has Acco Hospital Construction Company contributed to healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan?
  5. What is the importance of quality healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan?

Acco Hospital Construction Company Pakistan is a leading name in the field of healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan. The company has been providing hospital design, construction, and renovation services for over a decade, with a vision to create affordable and accessible healthcare services for all. This article will explore the history and background of the company, its core values, services, projects, achievements, and contributions to healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan.

Founded in 2010, Acco Hospital Construction Company has been at the forefront of healthcare infrastructure development in Pakistan. The company’s vision is to provide high-quality healthcare services to the people of Pakistan, regardless of their socioeconomic status. With a team of experienced professionals, the company has been able to provide a wide range of services, including hospital design and planning, construction and renovation, equipment procurement and installation, project management, and consultancy services.

Acco Hospital Construction Company has been involved in several notable projects in Pakistan, including the Lahore Medical and Dental College and Teaching Hospital, Farooq Hospital Westwood Branch, Islamabad Diagnostic Centre, and Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center. These projects have helped to create affordable and accessible healthcare services for people across the country, with state-of-the-art medical facilities and equipment.

In recognition of its contributions to healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan, Acco Hospital Construction Company has won several awards, including the Best Medical Construction Company Award, the Best Hospital Design and Construction Company Award, and the Best Medical and Hospital Equipment Provider Award.

The importance of quality healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan cannot be overstated. With a rapidly growing population, the country needs to invest in healthcare infrastructure to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and accessible healthcare services. Acco Hospital Construction Company has been playing a vital role in this regard, creating state-of-the-art medical facilities and providing high-quality medical equipment and facilities.

In conclusion, Acco Hospital Construction Company Pakistan has made significant contributions to healthcare infrastructure in Pakistan. The company’s vision of creating affordable and accessible healthcare services for all

ACCO Hospital Construction Company: Designing the Future of Healthcare Facilities


The healthcare industry is continuously growing, and the demand for top-notch healthcare facilities is increasing. With that said, the construction of healthcare facilities requires meticulous planning, designing, and construction that cater to the needs of patients and healthcare professionals. This is where ACCO Hospital Construction Company comes in. In this article, we will delve into what ACCO Hospital Construction Company is, what they offer, and how they stand out from other hospital construction companies in the industry.

What is ACCO Hospital Construction Company?

ACCO Hospital Construction Company is a construction firm that specializes in healthcare facility construction. The company has been in the healthcare construction business for over four decades and has designed, built, and renovated countless healthcare facilities throughout the United States. ACCO Hospital Construction Company prides itself on delivering high-quality and innovative healthcare facilities that cater to the unique needs of their clients.

The Services They Offer

ACCO Hospital Construction Company offers a wide range of services that cater to the needs of their clients. Some of the services they offer include:

1. Preconstruction Services

Before any construction work begins, ACCO Hospital Construction Company offers preconstruction services that ensure the project is executed efficiently. This service includes project planning, budgeting, and scheduling, among others.

2. Construction Management

ACCO Hospital Construction Company provides construction management services, where they oversee the entire construction process. They ensure that the project is completed on time, within budget, and up to the highest quality standards.

3. Design-Build Services

ACCO Hospital Construction Company offers design-build services, where they handle both the design and construction aspects of the project. This approach allows them to streamline the construction process, reduce costs, and deliver projects faster.

4. Renovation Services

ACCO Hospital Construction Company provides renovation services for existing healthcare facilities. They work with their clients to identify their needs and provide innovative solutions that cater to their unique requirements.

What Makes ACCO Hospital Construction Company Stand Out?

ACCO Hospital Construction Company is a reputable construction firm that stands out from the rest in the following ways:

1. Experience

ACCO Hospital Construction Company has been in the healthcare construction business for over four decades. This means that they have a wealth of experience and knowledge in constructing healthcare facilities that cater to the needs of their clients.

2. Quality Work

ACCO Hospital Construction Company prides itself on delivering high-quality work that meets and exceeds the expectations of their clients. They use the latest technology and construction methods to ensure that their clients get the best possible results.

3. Innovation

ACCO Hospital Construction Company is always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to design and construct healthcare facilities. They stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technology to ensure that they deliver innovative and unique healthcare facilities.

4. Client-Centered Approach

ACCO Hospital Construction Company prioritizes the needs of their clients. They work closely with their clients to understand their unique requirements and deliver healthcare facilities that cater to those needs.


ACCO Hospital Construction Company is a reputable construction firm that specializes in healthcare facility construction. They offer a wide range of services, including preconstruction, construction management, design-build, and renovation services. With over four decades of experience in the industry, ACCO Hospital Construction Company stands out from the rest through their commitment to delivering high-quality and innovative healthcare facilities that cater to the unique needs of their clients.

Architecture Planning for Hospital Construction Company in Pakistan

As Pakistan’s population continues to grow, so does the demand for quality healthcare services. This has led to an increase in the number of hospital construction companies in the country. However, the success of a hospital construction company depends largely on the planning and design of the hospital architecture. In this article, we will discuss the essential elements that a hospital construction company in Pakistan must consider during the architecture planning phase.

Understanding the Healthcare Landscape in Pakistan

The first step in the architecture planning phase is to understand the healthcare landscape in Pakistan. This includes studying the demographics of the area, identifying the healthcare needs of the community, and assessing the existing healthcare facilities in the area. This information will help the hospital construction company design a hospital that meets the needs of the community and fills any gaps in the existing healthcare infrastructure.

Identifying the Services and Facilities to be Offered

The hospital construction company must identify the services and facilities to be offered in the hospital. This includes determining the number of beds required, the types of medical and surgical services to be offered, the availability of diagnostic services, and the need for specialized clinics. The hospital design must also take into account the provision of support services such as pharmacy, cafeteria, laundry, and parking facilities.

Ensuring Compliance with Regulatory Requirements

Hospital construction companies in Pakistan must comply with regulatory requirements set by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC). The hospital design must meet the PMDC’s standards for hospital design, including the minimum size requirements for patient rooms, nursing stations, and operating rooms. The hospital must also comply with the PEC’s standards for electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems.

Designing for Patient Safety

Patient safety is a critical consideration in hospital architecture planning. The hospital design must minimize the risk of infections and ensure that patients can move around the hospital safely. The hospital must have a clear flow of traffic, including separate entrances for patients and staff. The hospital design must also include adequate space for handwashing, waste disposal, and infection control measures.

Incorporating Sustainable Design

Sustainability is an important consideration in hospital architecture planning. Hospitals are energy-intensive buildings that generate a significant amount of waste. Hospital construction companies in Pakistan must incorporate sustainable design practices into the hospital design to reduce the environmental impact of the hospital. This includes the use of energy-efficient lighting, heating, and cooling systems, the use of recycled materials in construction, and the implementation of a waste management system.

Engaging with Stakeholders

Hospital construction companies in Pakistan must engage with stakeholders during the architecture planning phase. This includes consulting with healthcare professionals, community representatives, and government officials. Engaging with stakeholders ensures that the hospital design meets the needs of the community and has the support of the local authorities.

Balancing Cost and Quality

Finally, hospital construction companies in Pakistan must balance cost and quality during the architecture planning phase. The hospital design must meet the required quality standards while keeping the construction costs within budget. This requires careful planning and a thorough understanding of the cost implications of design decisions.


In conclusion, the architecture planning phase is critical to the success of a hospital construction company in Pakistan. Hospital construction companies must consider the healthcare landscape, identify the services and facilities to be offered, comply with regulatory requirements, design for patient safety, incorporate sustainable design, engage with stakeholders, and balance cost and quality. By following these essential elements, hospital construction companies in Pakistan can design hospitals that meet the healthcare needs of the community while providing quality care in a safe and sustainable environment.


  1. What are the regulatory requirements for hospital construction in Pakistan?

Hospital construction companies in Pakistan must comply with regulatory requirements set by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) and the Pakistan Engineering Council (

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Certainly, my apologies for any confusion. Here’s the continuation of the article:

  1. How can hospital construction companies ensure patient safety during the architecture planning phase?

Hospital construction companies can ensure patient safety during the architecture planning phase by designing the hospital with a clear flow of traffic, including separate entrances for patients and staff, and adequate space for handwashing, waste disposal, and infection control measures.

  1. Why is sustainable design important in hospital architecture planning?

Sustainable design is important in hospital architecture planning because hospitals are energy-intensive buildings that generate a significant amount of waste. Incorporating sustainable design practices into the hospital design can reduce the environmental impact of the hospital and lower operating costs.

  1. How can hospital construction companies engage with stakeholders during the architecture planning phase?

Hospital construction companies can engage with stakeholders during the architecture planning phase by consulting with healthcare professionals, community representatives, and government officials. This ensures that the hospital design meets the needs of the community and has the support of the local authorities.

  1. What is the importance of balancing cost and quality in hospital architecture planning?

Balancing cost and quality is important in hospital architecture planning because the hospital design must meet the required quality standards while keeping the construction costs within budget. Careful planning and a thorough understanding of the cost implications of design decisions are necessary to ensure the project’s success.

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Certainly, my apologies for any confusion. Here’s the continuation of the article:

In conclusion, hospital architecture planning is a critical process that requires careful consideration of various factors. Hospital construction companies in Pakistan must ensure that the hospital design meets the required quality standards while also being cost-effective, sustainable, and safe for patients and staff. Engaging with stakeholders during the architecture planning phase and incorporating their feedback can help to create a hospital design that meets the needs of the community. By prioritizing patient safety and sustainable design, hospital construction companies can build hospitals that provide quality healthcare services to the people of Pakistan.


  1. What is the importance of patient safety in hospital architecture planning?

Patient safety is crucial in hospital architecture planning as it can prevent the spread of infections and ensure that patients receive quality care.

  1. How can hospital construction companies ensure sustainability in hospital design?

Hospital construction companies can ensure sustainability in hospital design by incorporating green building practices, using energy-efficient materials, and minimizing waste generation.

  1. What is the role of stakeholders in hospital architecture planning?

Stakeholders play a crucial role in hospital architecture planning as they provide valuable feedback on the hospital design and ensure that it meets the needs of the community.

  1. Why is cost management important in hospital architecture planning?

Cost management is important in hospital architecture planning as it ensures that the hospital design meets the required quality standards while keeping the construction costs within budget.

  1. What are some examples of sustainable design practices in hospital architecture planning?

Examples of sustainable design practices in hospital architecture planning include using natural lighting, incorporating green roofs, and using renewable energy sources like solar panels.